January 2025

Egyedi Karórák Készítése

Megálmodtad, Megvalósítjuk !

About us

What makes the Unique Wristwatch unique:

We undertake the design and manufacture of watches with unique dials for sports clubs, fan groups, bands, companies and individuals, as well as the possibilities of using and distributing these watches. 

Dream about what kind of watch with a unique dial you would like to surprise yourself, your family, friends, acquaintances, and business partners with.

Be it any event - wedding - birthday - name day - anniversary - Christmas - company watch with your own logo - Valentine's Day - Women's Day - Mother's Day - graduation - birth of a child - events - bachelorette party - bachelor party ... etc.
Anyone who thinks they would like a unique watch is welcome to apply. With extensive editorial and watchmaking experience, we help you create what is most important to you.

We even undertake limited numbering!!!

the process of work:

  • You can write or say what you want to see on the face of the watch, or you can send a picture that we will edit into a watch for you.
  • We will send you a plan of the final result in image format, on which we await your opinion. We edit the watch until you like it.
  • We will then make the watch, photograph it and send it to you for approval. Of course, you still have the option to make changes.
  • If you like the watch, we will send it by courier.
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